Uccido chi voglio

A new adventure with blacker hues than ever before for bibliotherapist Vince Corso, a conundrum that leads him to stray into the shadows and question the threatening and saving power of words.

This story was born in a prison. An Albanian inmate revealed to me in a meeting the true meaning of my family’s ancient nickname, Vrascadù. I had always believed it meant Fallen Arms and was a contraction of Sicilian. Instead, it was an Arbëreshë phrase; the boy handed me the translation on a torn page that I carried with me for years: I kill who I want. That is the title of this novel, and why it begins with another note sent from Regina Coeli.

Writing to Vince Corso, who by trade treats people by suggesting books to read, is a lifer named Queequeg. Thus begins a difficult week, in which Corso will find himself a foot away from madness and in the middle of an investigation, but from inquisitor to inquisite, as if in addition to reality even the alphabet has been turned upside down and a Magic Door exists for real between books and life.

Lost to Rome, Vince Corso trains himself to get lost, not to find himself. His is the testimony of an unwitting detective who can no longer read the world around him. A report on shadows, and on the threatening and saving power of words. A long letter to his father, after many postcards.

Fabio Stassi was born in Rome in 1962. He is a librarian at La Sapienza University.
He has published for Minimum fax È finito il nostro carnevale (2007), La rivincita di Capablanca (2008), Il libro dei personaggi letterari. From the postwar period to today (2015) and Con in bocca il sapore del mondo (2018).

With Sellerio he has published: L'ultimo ballo di Charlot, translated into nineteen languages (2012, Premio Selezione Campiello 2013, Premio Sciascia Racalmare, Premio Caffè Corretto Città di Cave, Premio Alassio Centolibri), Come un respiro interrotto (2014), a contribution in the anthology Articolo 1. Racconti sul lavoro (2009), Fumisteria (2015, formerly Premio Vittorini for best debut), Angelica e le comete (2017), Mastro Geppetto (2021, Premio Dessì 2022, Premio Benedetto Croce 2022, Premio Stresa 2022) and the "discourse" on the therapeutic power of Dante's verses E d'ogni male mi guarisce un bel verso (2023); and also novels starring bibliotherapist Vince Corso, La lettrice scomparsa (2016, Scerbanenco Prize), Ogni coincidenza ha un’anima (2018), Uccido chi voglio (2020), Notturno francese (2023). He also edited the Italian edition of Curarsi con i libri. Rimedi letterari per ogni malanno (2013, 2016) and Crescere con i libri. Rimedi letterari per mantenere i bambini sani, saggi e felici (2017).
