Non c’è più la Sicilia di una volta

The image of Sicily is linked to so many masterpieces of literature and cinema of the past. Great Sicilian authors have left indispensable pages and made the island metaphor, emblem, paradigm. But reading Sicily through their eyes is like walking around with a nineteenth-century travel guide. Just as-after the popular reaction following the 1992 massacres and after the state’s successes in the fight against crime-the identification between Sicily and the Mafia no longer works. Choosing precisely 1992 as its starting date, the book offers a new and updated snapshot of the island, in which the continuity of traditions coexists with extreme modernity. It starts with food and wine: it is 1994 when Commissioner Montalbano first opens the door of the trattoria San Calogero in Vigàta, contributing to the success of the island’s gastronomic tradition. And it is in 1992 that a great oenologist travels Sicily in search of native grape varieties, ‘inventing’ Nero d’Avola. But there is also an island of sex and eroticism (few know that the first Italian section of Arcigay was born there). Today’s Sicily is still that of Greek ruins, but also of the most extensive contemporary art parks in Europe, such as Fiumara d’Arte, Gibellina or Farm Cultural Park. The image of Corleone is flanked by an urban and metropolitan Sicily. There is the Sicily of landing and welcoming. The Sicily that hates Sicily. Savatteri’s journey debunks some commonplaces and breaks down numerous prejudices. Does everything in Sicily change so that everything remains as it is? With good grace from The Leopard, not so: on the island, almost everything has changed.

Gaetano Savatteri was born in Milan in 1964 and lives in Rome.
He is a journalist and writer.
He began his journalistic career at Giornale di Sicilia, then moved to Rome where he collaborates with Tg3 and Tg5.
His books include La congiura dei loquaci (Sellerio, 2000), La ferita di Vishinskij (Sellerio, 2003), I Siciliani (Laterza, 2005), Gli uomini che non si voltano (Sellerio, 2006), La volata di Calò (Sellerio, 2008), Uno per tutti (Sellerio, 2008), I Ragazzi di Regalpetra (Rizzoli, 2009), Strani Nostrani. Storie di Siciliani fuori dal comune (Novantacento, 2010), La fabbrica delle stelle (Sellerio, 2016), Non c'è più la Sicilia di una volta (Laterza, 2017), La congiura dei loquaci (Sellerio, 2017), Il delitto di Kolymbetra (Sellerio, 2018), Il lusso della giovinezza (Sellerio, 2020), Quattro indagini a Màkari (Sellerio, 2021) and I colpevoli sono matti (Sellerio, 2022). In 2022 he edited, also for Sellerio, the volume L'isola nuova. Trent’anni di scritture in Sicilia. He has also published several short stories in anthologies published by Sellerio.
He has published essays and surveys on Cosa Nostra.
In November 2015, the novel of the same name Uno per tutti was made into a film directed by Mimmo Calopresti.

In 2021, the TV series Màkari starring Claudio Gioè, based on the novels and short stories featuring journalist and investigator Saverio Lamanna, premiered on Rai 1 in prime time. The series has met with great critical and audience success and reached its third season in 2024.
